fredag 28 maj 2010

Våldtäkter inom AFA (Antifascistisk Aktion)


Detta är en del ur ett reportage som sändes 2006.

lördag 22 maj 2010

"Lilla Irak" nu ett faktum i Södertälje


Södertälje har nu tagit emot så många irakier att det nu bildats ett samhälle i samhället.

Sändes: 2010-05-21

fredag 21 maj 2010

White Americans will be a minority by 2042


The United States government projects that by 2042, white people will no longer make up the majority of Americans -- that's eight years sooner than previously expected.

torsdag 20 maj 2010

måndag 17 maj 2010

Sverigedemokrat hotad och trakasserad


Stöd Sverigedemokraterna och Johan Karlsson (SD) genom att gå med i SD/SDU. Vi växer för varje dag!

Kanal 5 trakasserar Louise Erixon (SD) (Jimmie Åkessons flickvän)


Kanel 5 bedriver osmaklig hetspropaganda mot SD, och försöker locka fram någon känsloreaktion som de kan utnyttja som vanligt genom att visa i fel kontext, detta genom att trakassera den både vackra och trevliga Louise Erixon (som även råkar vara Jimmie Åkessons flickvän) på Sverigedemokraternas partihögkvarter...

Lousie sköter sig dock klanderfritt, och låter helt lugnt Kanal 5-reportern trakassera och försöka göra bort henne inför kamerorna på alla möjliga sätt, samtidigt som hon ger riktigt seriösa och vettiga svar på de delar av trakasserierna som kan uttolkas som frågor.

Bra gjort Louise, en riktig pangbrud är du!

Sjukt osmakligt av Kanal 5 dock, men vad kan man vänta sig av svensk TV... :-(

lördag 15 maj 2010

Attentat mot konstnären Lars Vilks hus


Konstnären Lars Vilks bostad i Nyhamnsläge i Skåne har utsatts för ett brandattentat. Ingen var hemma i bostaden. I tisdags blev konstnären Lars Vilks överfallen under en föreläsning på Uppsala Universitet, i onsdags blev hans hemsida hackad och nu på lördagen utsattes han för mordbrand.

Någon gång mellan kl 22 i fredags och kl 10.30 på lördagsförmiddagen skall en eller flera okända gärningsmän ha krossat rutor, hällt bensin i huset och därefter antänt det.

Läs mer här:

torsdag 13 maj 2010




This is the entire film of the Lars Vilks attacks.

Starting from when Vilks plays the film that the Muslims called pornographic that incited the attacks;

(you judge for youreself whether you think it is pornographic, or not);

then showing the entire aftermath of the attacks, to the very bitter end.

The attacks on Lars Vilks took place on May 11, 2010.

onsdag 12 maj 2010

Mona Sahlin om toblerone attacken


Mona Sahlin (S) Blir toastad av Aftonbladets reporter, som bla. tar upp frågor om Toblerone attacken, Sverigedemokraterna, och svenska soldater.

måndag 10 maj 2010

Sverigedemokraterna siktar på tre mandat i Umeå



De rödgröna vill legalisera medveten HIV-spridning!


De rödgröna vill legalisera medveten HIV-spridning!

Ja, vad annars kan man vänta sig, tänk vad kränkta folk skulle kunna bli annars...

Läs mer här:

Orolig natt i Rosengård väntas


HOTET MOT DEMOKRATIN. Polisen kraftsamlar i detta nu för att bemöta de invandrarungdomar som nu ikväll startat en brand och kastat sten mot polisen.

Ett 20-tal invandrarungdomar i Rosengård har under kvällen gjort området osäkert för hederliga medborgare. En brand startades vid den numera riksbekanta Shell-macken på von Ramels väg och kvart i elva hade räddningstjänsten vågat köra fram till platsen och börjat att släcka branden.

Läs mer här:

Cap and Trade regulation will benefit Obamas friends, mostly radicals and selected corporations. P2



Cap and Trade regulation will benefit Obamas friends, mostly radicals and selected corporations.

A whistleblower contacted Glenn Beck and exposed individuals and corporations behind the new changed cap and trade regulations.

Cap and trade was supposed to impose a tax/fees on polluters to reduce the pollution. Remember CHANGE? The new changed scheme with the new cap and trade regulations proposed by Obama will take most of the wealth from USA, tax all energy users with $10 trillion per year. The new law will require transfer of the money to poor counties, while the exchange, CCX created by Obama and his radical supporters together with a selected group of corporations will collect a fee for the administration of the wealth transfer.

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is owned by individuals (including Al Gore) in control of Climate Exchange PLC. This group is located in the offshore tax paradise of Isle of Man.

The fees/taxes will kill the free economic system, the scheme will result in transferring the american wealth and place it in poor counties. If implemented globally it will kill the west and transfer their wealth to the developing world.

In this context it is interesting to know where Mr. Obamas loyalty lies. Is he more supportive of the developing poor countries or America? Does he support his native Africa more where most of his extended family lives, or does he support America where he has no extended family remaining. Does his associations with mostly radicals who hates america explain his own thinking, or is he the only person among them that don't hate america?

Those who supported Obama is now asking why nearly a trillion dollar was spent on a rescue package without creating any benefit.

They are asking why the senate is not permitted to read any of the legislation proposed by the Obama administration. A thousand similar questions are asked, since the spending produces no benefits.

Everything Obama does fails, nobody is allowed to read the new laws and spending proposals, is Obama really helping america or is he doing doing something else, purposely?

cap and trade law, cap and tax, pollution, green initiative, Barack Hussein Obama, Glenn Beck, Chicago Climate Exchange carbon credits.

Obamas scheme to transfer our wealth to the third world with cap and trade. P1



Cap and Trade regulation will benefit Obama's friends, mostly radicals and selected corporations.

A whistleblower contacted Glenn Beck and exposed individuals and corporations behind the new changed cap and trade regulations.

Cap and trade was supposed to impose a tax/fees on polluters to reduce the pollution. Remember CHANGE? The new changed scheme with the new cap and trade regulations proposed by Obama will take most of the wealth from USA, tax all energy users with $10 trillion per year. The new law will require transfer of the money to poor counties, while the exchange, CCX created by Obama and his radical supporters together with a selected group of corporations will collect a fee for the administration of the wealth transfer.

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is owned by individuals (including Al Gore) in control of Climate Exchange PLC. This group is located in the offshore tax paradise of Isle of Man.

The fees/taxes will kill the free economic system, the scheme will result in transferring the american wealth and place it in poor counties. If implemented globally it will kill the west and transfer their wealth to the developing world.

In this context it is interesting to know where Mr. Obamas loyalty lies. Is he more supportive of the developing poor countries or America? Does he support his native Africa more where most of his extended family lives, or does he support America where he has no extended family remaining. Does his associations with mostly radicals who hates america explain his own thinking, or is he the only person among them that don't hate america?

Those who supported Obama is now asking why nearly a trillion dollar was spent on a rescue package without creating any benefit.

They are asking why the senate is not permitted to read any of the legislation proposed by the Obama administration. A thousand similar questions are asked, since the spending produces no benefits.

Everything Obama does fails, nobody is allowed to read the new laws and spending proposals, is Obama really helping America or is he doing doing something else, purposely?

cap and trade law, cap and tax, pollution, green initiative, Barack Hussein Obama, Glenn Beck, Chicago Climate Exchange carbon credits.

Well known pedophile prophet Muhammad appears on comedy show on TV, South Park.


A well known pedophile prophet, Muhammad appears on a comedy show on TV. No incidents are reported so far due to this event. Lets count the days until something is worth reporting happens due to this comedy on south park. The swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks used some type hi-tech tracking equipment to locate the terrorists who made threats against him. The iraqi armed forces bombed the islamists safe house and killed the top two leaders of al-Qaida in iraq. This was the guy s that offered an award if someone would kill Mr. Vilks.

"Kurt Westergaard" Lars Vilks South Park Muhammad Muhammed Bill O'Reilly