måndag 10 maj 2010

Cap and Trade regulation will benefit Obamas friends, mostly radicals and selected corporations. P2



Cap and Trade regulation will benefit Obamas friends, mostly radicals and selected corporations.

A whistleblower contacted Glenn Beck and exposed individuals and corporations behind the new changed cap and trade regulations.

Cap and trade was supposed to impose a tax/fees on polluters to reduce the pollution. Remember CHANGE? The new changed scheme with the new cap and trade regulations proposed by Obama will take most of the wealth from USA, tax all energy users with $10 trillion per year. The new law will require transfer of the money to poor counties, while the exchange, CCX created by Obama and his radical supporters together with a selected group of corporations will collect a fee for the administration of the wealth transfer.

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is owned by individuals (including Al Gore) in control of Climate Exchange PLC. This group is located in the offshore tax paradise of Isle of Man.

The fees/taxes will kill the free economic system, the scheme will result in transferring the american wealth and place it in poor counties. If implemented globally it will kill the west and transfer their wealth to the developing world.

In this context it is interesting to know where Mr. Obamas loyalty lies. Is he more supportive of the developing poor countries or America? Does he support his native Africa more where most of his extended family lives, or does he support America where he has no extended family remaining. Does his associations with mostly radicals who hates america explain his own thinking, or is he the only person among them that don't hate america?

Those who supported Obama is now asking why nearly a trillion dollar was spent on a rescue package without creating any benefit.

They are asking why the senate is not permitted to read any of the legislation proposed by the Obama administration. A thousand similar questions are asked, since the spending produces no benefits.

Everything Obama does fails, nobody is allowed to read the new laws and spending proposals, is Obama really helping america or is he doing doing something else, purposely?

cap and trade law, cap and tax, pollution, green initiative, Barack Hussein Obama, Glenn Beck, http://www.chicagoclimatex.com/ Chicago Climate Exchange carbon credits.