onsdag 12 januari 2011

60 000 illegala invandrare i Storbritannien

STORBRITANNIEN Den brittiska gränsmyndighetens arbete kritiseras av parlamentsledamöter i en rapport som avslöjar att minst 60 000 asylsökande lever illegalt i landet på grund av att myndigheten förlorat alla spår efter dem.

Enligt rapporten försvann en av sju asylsökande 2006 då 450 000 fall registrerades.

“While we agree that the UK Border Agency should not spend unlimited time trying to track down missing applicants, we are concerned about the high proportion of cases which will be left, in effect, in limbo,” the report said. “Again, this points to the vital need to deal with cases as expeditiously as possible and not to let backlogs grow.”

Enligt Robin Simcox från The Centre for Social Cohesion som utfört undersökningen är orsaken en kombination av faktorer som lett till problemen.

“I think there is a huge problem with Britain's inability to deport, generally. Being part of the European Union we often cannot deport people back to their country of origin because it may contravene the European Convention on Human Rights," he said. "On top of that, there is a systemic problem where the huge backlog of cases, and we have something like a half million backlog of cases, simply cannot be processed and cannot be dealt with quickly enough."

Russia Today

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